Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The mind and JC

An old friend of mine once said something about the intricacy of working as a Christian in academia.  It was in the similar line of thought wherein science and religion doesn’t mix.  This really bothered me and caused me a lot of anxiety and sleepless nights. 

Here I am loving Jesus with all my heart, my soul and my mind and working in a place where this lifestyle is relatively alien.  Take note of the last area that I have finally surrendered to Him - mind.  Anyone who works in academia knows the ’intellectual’ activities required in this type of work. 

The last time I felt ‘iffy’ about my spirituality was when I was studying Masters in Theology several years ago.  I came unprepared for the battering of my own spirituality when what I thought I knew was right started to get challenged and when uncomfortable questions about my spirituality started to surface.  Learning from my fellow learners the perils of studying theology further increased my discomfort.  I opted for the easy way out and went back to where I was comfortable. 

Now, here I am with the same feeling of ‘iffyness’, I decided to face my fear. 

Jesus surpasses all understanding, He knows the way around the human mind.  But He does it with gentleness and humility, not imposing and domineering one’s free will.  He gives choice, He allows you to think - that is how He made us.  We are rational beings.  We argue, we discuss, we look for solutions, we analyse. 

He respects what He has created - us who were made in His image.  He is able to draw everyone but also has the power to allow blindness in people's heart because of stubbornness.  He says that He allowed this to demonstrate His knowledge, He is the beginning and the end.  He knows those that will come and those that will not, those that will listen and those who will chose to remain faithless.  Classic example of our fickleness is Judas.  How could anyone that walked with the Son of God betray Him?  I have yet to find out if there was redemption for Judas.  And what about Lucifer? How could anyone that had come from the throne of God, considered the son of morning light, beautiful and perfect rebelled against the Most High?  God had allowed it, that’s how much He respects His creation.