Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Time to rethink

When you start to become something out of the ordinary, people starts to notice. If you were like me, you would have been living in this world without a conviction of your own.  Up until recently, I realized that everything I knew and believed in was borrowed from someone somewhere at sometime. I don’t think I had my own identity for I lived in fear of what others would think and say about me. I lived by society’s norm, not really sticking out and causing wave but not making a real difference either. I was fearful of challenging the traditions and beliefs that I grew up with in case someone gets offended.

We were endowed with a free will because God wants us to decide what really matters.  We need to set our hearts on God’s word so it doesn’t just go where it wants.  Religion can bind you like a prisoner.  You live out of fear and not out of love.  Religion says this is what a Christian should look and act like, fail that and judgement comes from those that are without divine insight that God may not be finished with you yet.  Who is more perfect among us when we still very much wrestle with our flesh?  Today we are good, tomorrow who knows?  I for one struggle so much so that I needed to seek God's presence to straighten me out. 

I know what it’s like to have fallen hard and have known the greatness of God’s grace and love. It can swim the abyss that you are drowning in, and raise you from the flesh that pulls you down.  His love comes when you are at your worst and rescues you from yourself.  It frees you from fears that you on your own have no power to overcome. When His grace falls, you will know who you truly are and your journey to liberation begins.

"So, If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall"!  1 Corinthians 10:12 (NIV)