"What motivates you to come to work?" I was asked one day. I knew it wasn’t money. I believe it was something more valuable but perhaps not yet tangible for my mind to capture. Something just kept me going... but what was it?
Finally, a revelation. There it was on the first page of my nearly tattered Daily Bread it read, “meaningful work - not for the accumulation of wealth (although it was rather convenient) but to have something to share with others”.
My work now made even more sense. I asked and so He gave. And that I don’t take lightly. It’s all about Him. What I do at work, I do it for Him, because it was Him who brought me there. What my work brings out in me blesses Him and in turn, He will make it so that it will bless others also. He works out His purpose in me through the work that He has endorsed me. There I harnessed the skills, talents and gifts that He endowed me. He does this to fulfil His will and makes stronger the passions He has placed in my spirit. It pleases Him to see me happy.